Its interesting too that sometimes just the right herb will come to you. Last year we had a huge rain event and the chickens got some form of cold after, two unfortunately passed away and a third had started to sound ill. I didn't know what to do. I decided to have a lie down and all of a sudden Basil popped into my head, I decided to have a look on the computer and amazingly basil can be used to help respiratory disorders, and I had plenty in the garden. I threw bunches of basil along with cuttings of lavender into their pen and thankfully the chickens survived. This month I have had a particularly hard whack of PMT and am actually writing a piece about combating it. I had only looked at lifestyle so far, but whilst at a local market this weekend I saw a clary sage plant. I became familiar with clary sage as a essential oil useful for strengthening contractions during labour (do not use at other times whist pregnant) and though the tag on the plant said it was good for eyes, I felt compelled to buy it, a little research later at home suggests that amongst many other uses it might also be a calming herb for premenstrual problems. I love it when synchronicity swoops in. More research of course is needed in order to find out about correct doses or even better I ought to go and visit a herbalist.
Here she is nestled in the ground, I have placed her towards the back/ centre of the bed in full sun as this is what the tag says she needs, plus she can grow up to 65cm.
Her beautiful neighbours, Common Sage and Thyme. This is their second year in the ground and the first time they have flowered so beautifully.
Although I have endeavoured to insure all information I have written here is accurate it is no substitute for the advice of a qualified professional. Please go and see a doctor or herbalist if you are not well.